Rochester Contra |
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Rochester Thanksgiving Contra Dance Festival '08
People | Dancing | Music | Demos & Workshops |
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Thanksgiving '07 | Thanksgiving '06 | Thanksgiving '05 | Thanksgiving '04 |
Thanksgiving '03 | Rochester Contra |
Contra Dance Main Page - Thanksgiving'07 - Thanksgiving'06 - Thanksgiving'05 - Thanksgiving'04 - Thanksgiving'03 -
Photography by Jeff Folkins, Rochester NY. All photos copyrighted
Note: If anyone who appears in any of the photos on these pages would prefer not to have their picture displayed here please write to me and I will remove the photo (email jfolkins :at: All photographs here are copyright 2008. However, I am happy to grant use of any of the photos as long as you ask. If you would like a full resolution version (suitable for printing) of any picture that you appear in just write to me and I will be happy to email it to you.
Pictures by Jeff Folkins (Web or email jfolkins1 at